Thursday 2 April 2015

Obama's day: Louisville (and Iran)

President Obama spends Thursday talking about the U.S. economy in Kentucky while continuing to monitor nuclear negotiations with Iran.

In the late morning, Obama travels to Louisville, Ky., to tour a technology company and deliver an economic speech that focuses on Republican plans to repeal the estate tax.
While congressional Republicans say the "death tax" makes it harder for farmers and families to hold on to their businesses, Obama and aides say the estate tax affects very few, very wealthy people.
During the day, Obama will also be keeping an eye on negotiations in Switzerland that involve the fate of Iran's nuclear program. Those talks have already been extended for two days.
The U.S. and other countries are offering to reduce economic sanctions on Iran if it agrees to give up the means to make nuclear weapons. The parties continue to be divided on how to verify Iran's commitments, and exactly how to reduce the sanctions.
After the speech in Louisville, Obama heads to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he will spend the night and deliver more economic remarks on Friday.

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