Thursday 2 April 2015

Fiorina backs religious freedom law, marriage equality

Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina defends Indiana's "religious freedom" law, but she acknowledges the right of same-sex couples to demand equality in the "benefits" government bestows with marriage — views that distinguish her in the party's 2016 field. 

Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who plans to launch a long-shot presidential bid by early next month, didn't explicitly endorse same-sex marriage, but she did outline a stance more moderate and nuanced than those expressed by her prospective rivals.
She blasted business leaders in Silicon Valley and elsewhere who have criticized the Indiana law as discriminatory, questioning why there isn't similar outrage "about the subjugation of the rights of women and gays in many countries in which these companies do business."
"We are having now a clarifying debate about what is really at stake here for gay couples," she told USA TODAY's weekly video newsmaker series. "What's really at stake here for gay couples is how government bestows benefits. What's really at stake here for people of religious conviction is their conviction that marriage is a religious institution because only a man and a woman can create life, which is a gift that comes from God.

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